Additional Resources
Abused Deaf Women’s
Advocacy Services
Phone: 206.236.3134 (TTY Only)
Email: adwas@adwas.org
Website: www.adwas.org
Address: 8623 Roosevelt Way NE Seattle WA 98115
Services: advocacy, counseling
Asian Counseling
& Referral Services
Phone: 206.695.7600
Website: www.acrs.org
Address: 3639 Martin Luther King Jr. Way S, Seattle, WA 98144
Services: Aging and adult services; chemical dependency treatment; children, youth & family; citizenship services; comprehensive mental health services; congregate meals and emergency feeding; consultation and education; domestic violence batterers treatment; employment and training services, food bank, information and referral services; legal clinic; Problem gambling treatment
Domestic Abuse Women’s
Network (DAWN)
24-Hour Advocacy & Crisis Line: 425.656.7867
Website: dawnonline.org
Email: info@dawnonline.org
Services: advocacy, shelter, training
Homelessness Prevention Resource Guide
Please click here to download the Homelessness Prevention Resource Guide.
Utilize these resources and contacts when someone has an immediate need, such as a 3-day or a 10-day eviction notice.
These individuals have an immediate need to retain housing – the following organizations provide relief and resources based on need, availability of resources, and certain (limited) criteria.
King County Sexual Assault Resource Center
Address: 200 Mill Avenue South, Suite 10 Renton, WA 98057
Website: www.kcsarc.org
Email: AdminSupportStaff@kcsarc.org
24 Hour Resource Line: 888.99.VOICE (888.998.6423)
Main Office Phone Number: 425.226.5062
Services: crisis response, advocacy, legal advocacy, therapy (individual, adult, family, children & adolescents, group), family services, Spanish speaking advocacy, crime victims advocacy
New Beginnings
Website: www.newbegin.org
24-Hour Helpline: 206.522.9472
Services: advocacy, shelter, children services, legal clinic, transitional housing program,
Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs (WCSAP) and Washington State Coalition of Domestic Violence Programs (WSCADV)
Resource for all sexual assault programs in Washington State
Resource for all domestic violence programs in Washington state
The Northwest Network of Bisexual, Trans, Lesbian, and Gay Survivors of Abuse
Phone: 206.568.7777 Website: www.nwnetwork.org
Email: info@nwnetwork.org
Services: advocacy support for survivors, community engagement and education, youth program and activities, provider training and technical assistance
Refugee Women's Alliance
Phone: 206.721.0243
Website: rewa.org
Address: 4008 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way South Seattle, WA 98108
Services: domestic violence advocacy, early childhood education, employment and vocational training, english as a second language, family support, housing and homelessness prevention, licensed behavioral health, naturalization and legal services, senior nutrition and wellness, youth program
National Domestic Violence Hotline
1.800.799.SAFE (7233)
or 1.800.787.3224 (TTY).
Learn more about the National Domestic Violence Hotline.
National Sexual Assault Hotline
800.656.HOPE (4673)
Learn more about the National Sexual Assault Hotline.
Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Gender Based Violence
Phone: 415.568.3315
Website: api-gbv.org
Address: 500 12th Street, Suite 330
Oakland, CA 94607
The APIIDV provides a full directory of API specific advocacy based organizations in the United States. Visit their website to access the full directory.
National Organization of Asian Pacific Islander’s Ending Sexual Violence (NAPIESV)
Phone: 515.288.0881
Website: napiesv.org
Email: contact@napiesv.org
Address: In care of Monsoon United Asian
Women of Iowa, mail can be sent to 4952 Franklin Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa 50310.
Servies: NAPIESV provides technical assistance and support to local/community-based programs and governmental organizations in enhancing their services to victims of sexual violence from the Asian and Pacific Islander communities nationally and in the U.S. territories.
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